Volunteers 1 of 5

1. Volunteering

KCNC is run entirely by volunteers, and none of our coaches or club umpires (many of whom also pay membership fees) are paid anything for their time. Any of our volunteers who work closely with junior players are DBS checked.

A list of our current committee and volunteers can be found by clicking here.

Providing funds are available, we will subsidise course attendance where the qualification will benefit the club. Our current policy for coaching and umpiring courses is shown on the specific pages (please note this policy is subject to amendment by the Executive Committee at any time), and any courses which are attended to ensure that the club maintains its CAPS / Clubmark status will be reimbursed in full. Other course attendance of benefit to the club will be reimbursed on a case by case basis.

An expense reclaim form is attached below.

The club encourages all members, whatever their age, to get involved in volunteering and putting something back into the club, either by coaching and umpiring or by taking on other roles such as team manager, kit manager etc.

Our volunteer registration form is attached below.

Over the course of the season all members are asked to attend at least one England Premier League match to support the first team.

All players in senior teams who are not umpires or coaches are asked to score at a couple of NWKL matches each season, for one of the other Club teams.


Expenses Reclaim Form
